Our Hip Hop Dancer

Maria took a hip hop dance class through Community Education this summer. Here is a video from her final class. Super cute.  The ages in the class ranged from 5-8 and she missed the class before this one, so there are my excuses for my little dancer who may miss a couple of steps.

Spring Concert

Maria had a spring concert a few weeks ago at church. Good stuff!  Very cute!

My friend Lisa recorded this for me and I’m just getting around to uploading it.

This is my favorite of the songs.  Maria is in the front with the purple sweater and white dress. Her friend Mykaela is directly to the right of Maria, wearing blue. I think someone told them to sing louder for this song, so they did!

All the songs can be found here

How do I get so behind?!

Spring was here. Yesterday it felt more like fall.  We have been outside a little bit. And anticipate more outside time soon, as we are getting this installed in  our backyard in a couple weeks!  We haven’t told Maria we bought this yet, but she was with us when we went looking.  Charlie too. He was excited too, as he climbed to the top of a tall ladder (probably close to 6′) when we turned our heads for literally a minute! Yikes!

Outside! It's Spring!

Outside! It's Spring!

The week before Easter, Maria had a spring concert at church. It was very cute. I need to get the video from Lisa (whose daughters were in the concert too) and then I will post it.

Easter weekend was great fun too. We hosted Chad’s parents, his brother’s family and my parents.  The weather was gorgeous and with lots of good food, it was a great day! Although my pictures could have turned out a bit better. Oh well..



Although I love this one – dinner after the guests left…

Jam Sandwich

And then right before bed… maybe a bit too much sugar?

Look Who’s Walking!

This video was taken on Friday March 18th. While Chad was out of town. But Charlie’s string of 5-6 steps went to wandering between rooms. After a week of this, he is trying to go big time and keep up with the big kids. Which really involves a lot of crashing (and bruises) as his feet don’t always keep up! Oops!


My poor blog has been ignored!

The first half of this month has flown by! And I wasn’t “here” to post about our fun Fourth of July picnic/party. Or how Charlie went through a fussy stage. Or how he had some oatmeal, but not really enjoying it. Or Charlie rolling over. Missed writing about the few days we spent at Luther Park (although that was just a few days ago). Or how Maria is now going to big kid swimming lessons (without me or Chad in the pool!). Or about how my back started hurting and now I’m also sneaking chiropractor appointments into my busy schedule. And even worse, I haven’t had a chance to take many pictures, even though I take my camera everywhere…

A few videos of Charlie (unedited – because our editing software isn’t compatible with the iphone movie format) and a few pictures for you now… hope to be back sooner rather than later.

First Bites

Swimming on the 4th - 2010

Grandpa & Charlie

As always you can follow  me at Flickr